Problem Based Learning in Science: The Advantages for Youngsters

In reality, no one has never faced a problem in life, even youngsters. Some youngsters are good at solving problems but some may not. Is it a human natural ability to solve problems? According to, problem solving is considered to be a "higher order thinking process which requires the modulation and control of routine or fundamental skills"According to Merriam-Webster students' dictionary, problem is defined as "something to be worked out or solved" (for arithmetic problems) or "something that is hard to understand, deal with or correct"(for social problems). Based on terms given, it is safe to say that problem solving is "a process to solve a certain condition using acquired fundamental skills". This would mean that, to succeed in problem solving, one own fundamental skills is heavily relied on and to be put on test, where the learning commence. So, how does problem based learning benefits youngsters in learning Science? In my point of view, problems based learning improves their understanding of a science concept better, decision making and most certainly, their problem solving skill.

Problem based learning is one of the Science learning method that helps youngsters to understand Science concept better. For instance, you can help youngster indulge to science concept by this example.

1. Show them a picture of a bouquet of wilted flowers. (acts as the problem)

2. Then, ask them these questions.
Q1: Why does the flowers wilt? (students' answers acts as an indicator to their Science concept understanding)
Q2: Is there any way we can help the flowers to look fresh again? (students' answers acts as an indicator how they used their science concept knowledge to solve problems)

Youngsters will give sorts of answers like lack of food, water, sunlight, space, etc and it is our responsibility to guide them by helping them explaining the concept if any misconception of facts are revealed. If none occurred, try to praise youngsters who give acceptable answers.

Decision making is one of the three benefits earned through problem-based learning. However, decision making or choices is somewhat difficult for youngsters. It is probably due to most the time, parents are the deciding factors to their child's needs, whether good in appearance, studies, social life etc that normally leaves youngsters "hard to make a good decision for themselves". According to a debate topic on titled "Parents Should Let Teenagers Make Their Own Decisions", 14% of votes received are "NO". The fear of some parents not wanting their children to make a mistake creates an environment that are "error free" for youngster, which is non-beneficial for youngsters in their Science learning. As far as history goes, not even the greatest inventors of all time have build their invention without error. "Trial and error" is one of the techniques used in problem-based learning to solve problems.Through the trials and errors done, youngsters are perfecting their decision-making skill, with the hope that they will learn making better choices, thus minimizing bad choices.

Problem based learning in Science will help youngsters to be better problem solvers although problem-solving skills  may vary between youngsters. It is because different youngsters have different cognitive level. According to Gardner's Multiple Intelligence theory (1983), youngsters who have logical intelligence excel in areas that requires logical thinking, thus making them better problem solvers than youngsters that lacks logical intelligence. However, logical intelligence is trainable. By providing games that requires problem-solving such as chess, investigations or mystery solving, it will enhance their problem solving skill. The most significant benefit of being a good problem solver is it improves the ability of youngsters being independent. By applying problem-based learning in Science, it will automatically help youngsters to become independent learners.

Science is a fun subject to be explored and problem-based learning increases the excitement of it. Not only problem-based learning is applicable in Science learning, it also gives advantages to youngsters in being better individuals, in terms of their intelligence's quality.

Lane, C. (n.d.). Multiple Intelligence. The Distance Learning Technology Resource Guide. Available at

Parents Should Let Teenagers Make Their Own Decisions on Available at

Problem Solving on Available at

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